Saturday, February 20, 2010

Dear John

I just got home from seeing Dear John. I loved it. It reminded me so much of the simple pleasure of "real mail". How often do we get letters in the mail, let alone a love letter. My parents really got to know each other through letters when my dad was in Vietnam. I have always loved that about them. How romantic are love letters!? It's funny to think about on line dating, and getting to know someone through letters (emails!). Just as John was waiting for Savannah's letters and my dad was probably waiting for my mom's letters...I wait, patiently, for the next email from a mystery man on the internet.

I'm a little more inspired to continue this journey online. This picture inspires me to find that someone special...
Tonight at church, the priest challenged us to conquer a fear we have in our lives. I was thinking about it and couldn't really come up with anything that I felt I needed to conquer. It then came to me, I have the fear of moving on, being happy and trusting someone enough to let them get to know me. So, in addition to giving up soda, I have taken on a new challenge during lent. Open up and trust someone. And if they break my heart...well I guess that is the risk I will take.

Today, I challenge you to write a love letter to your special someone!

Enjoy Love!

1 comment:

  1. This was a really lovely post. I believe in the power of love and in it's ability to transform you. Don't forget that you only get this one life and to think that for a second you did not take advantage of all that it has to offer is to live with regret. So with that I say go out and conquer. Make the most of every moment and I promise you, you will have lived a life full of love and void of regret.
